Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Class Schedule - October 15th-18th

Tuesday: Debate

Wednesday: Contribution Paper & Intro to WWI & WWII

Thursday: Introduction into World War I - Watch PBS Video - The Great War

Friday: Map Assignment

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Class Schedule - October 7th - 11th

Monday: Civil War Test Divide into Debate Groups Tuesday: Research for Debate Wednesday: Research for Debate Thursday: Research for Debate Friday: Mock Debate (Tuesday will be formally assessed Debate)

Monday, October 7, 2013

Debate Websites

Monday, September 30, 2013

Homework : 10-1-13

Emancipation Close Read – 10-1-13 Instructions: 1. Using a highlighter read throughout the article(will be passed out in class) and highlight portions that you feel are relevant to the authors claims (proposed changes in history) 2. Answer the following questions – ***Needs to be either printed or legibly hand-written 3. What does the author claim (proposed changes in history) would have happened if the Emancipation Proclamation had never been implemented? (15 pts) ***Need two quotes from paper that back up your claim (APA Style) 4. Do you agree with the author’s claims? (15 pts) ***Need one quote that backs up your claim.(APA Style). (15 pts) ***Due at the end fo the period

Class Schedule - September 30th - October 4th

Monday: Notes and Video - Gettysburg Tuesday: Close read - What if - Antietam Wednesday: Hand-out Study Guide. Finish Gettysburg Notes: Vicksburg, Grant v Lee Thursday: Notes: Vicksburg, Grant v Lee Friday: Finish War - Study For Test Monday: (October 7th )Civil War Test - All MC or Matching Assign Debate Groups

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Civil War - Notes

Link to the Ken Burns Series viewed in class Notes (given by Jerron Smith) History East- Peninsular Campaign Union- McClellan Confederate-Joseph Johnson and Robert E. Lee West- Tennessee-SHILOH Union- U.S. Grant 1863 Post peninsular campaign ---->Lee will drive Mcllelen out of Virginia. Lincoln- Give pope union troops. Pope- March to Mannasses (Bull Run) Stonewall Jackson- Hurries to Mannasses junction to protect it. Longstreet- Flank and destroy pope army HUGE CONFEDERATE VICTORY Antietam -Lee invades the north(ready to end the war) Split his army ---->Special orders 191 McClellan vs. Lee at Antietam Creek. Lee loses 1/4 of his fighting troops while McClellan doesn't attack. Emancipation Proclamation..... Frees salves in rebelling states