Thursday, September 26, 2013

Civil War - Notes

Link to the Ken Burns Series viewed in class Notes (given by Jerron Smith) History East- Peninsular Campaign Union- McClellan Confederate-Joseph Johnson and Robert E. Lee West- Tennessee-SHILOH Union- U.S. Grant 1863 Post peninsular campaign ---->Lee will drive Mcllelen out of Virginia. Lincoln- Give pope union troops. Pope- March to Mannasses (Bull Run) Stonewall Jackson- Hurries to Mannasses junction to protect it. Longstreet- Flank and destroy pope army HUGE CONFEDERATE VICTORY Antietam -Lee invades the north(ready to end the war) Split his army ---->Special orders 191 McClellan vs. Lee at Antietam Creek. Lee loses 1/4 of his fighting troops while McClellan doesn't attack. Emancipation Proclamation..... Frees salves in rebelling states

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